Some of you may already know this but the %Model% variable within customsettings.ini will not work for Lenovo based hardware. This is due to the fact Lenovo puts their "model type" in that field, and puts the actual model name in the Version field.
So this leads to issues when trying to inject drivers or software based on lenovo model,
But do not fret, there is a solution!
Once implemented you can then use the %LenovoModel% variable in customsettings.ini
Modify the ZTIGather.wsf to create a new LenovoModel variable
' Get the Lenovo Model Version from the Win32_ComputerSystemProduct class
' Siva Mulpuru | 10:30 PM Monday, February 14, 2011 Set objResults = objWMI.ExecQuery("select * from Win32_ComputerSystemProduct")
For Each objInstance In objResults
sLenovoModel = objInstance.Version
if sLenovoModel = "" then
oLogging.CreateEntry "Unable to determine LenovoModel tag via WMI.", LogTypeInfo
End if
Thanks Siva for writing the script!
You can find his original post
here, I've pasted the code for ease of copy paste :D