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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

MDT 2012 Customize "Running: Lite Touch Installation"

Customizing the MDT Progress bar.

There's various things you can do to the Litetouch progress bar. Today let's talk about the generic text that's displayed during deployments

"RunningLite Touch Installation"
That doesn't look too pretty now does it.

Well a new added feature in MDT is that you can change it via the "_SMSTSPackageName" variable on customsettings!

This variable is unavailable in MDT2011 but in MDT2012 it is now parsed by ZTIGather.

Sample Customsettings.ini


_SMSTSPackageName=Consult %_SMSTSOrgName% for your deployments.

Oh yes, you can use another variable within another variable- awesome!

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